This place, it's not the same as I used to know
It was one thing when I was a child; now that I'm an adult it's become something a little bit more
Perhaps better, somewhat...
The action has heated up, perhaps two or three degrees Fahrenheit
This place is emanating a little light
But nowhere near enough, by my estimation
Confined to a small bright spot in the center
The light isn't like a light bulb,
it's a coherent laser beam pointing up at the sky
There's not much it's affecting around it
Yeah, we have more than when I was a little kid
But even what little was there at that time in my life,
my family scarcely ever participated in it. It was unimportant
to my parents.
The arts can be a beautiful thing. If you're looking.
Yeah, maybe this place has changed for the better since I hit adulthood........
What do you do with a heart that was formed in a place with more rust belt industry than with beauty?
My mind was calibrated to not seek much beauty in the town around me, it was no use in my childhood
There wasn't much beauty around me, so I lifted up my eyes to the stars and tuned in to Star Trek.
For better or worse, the town I was born into has shaped who I have become.
The town I grew up in no longer exists in reality, but it still exists inside my head.