days of once upon a time romance
have come and gone drowned
in copious amounts of booze
and social media not to mention
private emails only a mad hatter
of a drunken fool would leave
wide open in plain sight
meh it happens in this new age
which does nothing to assuage
the embarrassment of any parties
involved both the innocent
and the guilty as charged
slip of the tongue find yourself hung
between a rock and a hard spot
with the very rope you slipped
around your own neck
next thing you know after one
to many chances you find
yourself in the friend zone
she's content to be roomies
besties forever for life to coin
a few slang term vernaculars
whether you split the sheets
or continue to share a domicile
meh it happens in this new age
take heart stand strong or not
in this fact you've not been executed
for the transgressions of your creation
perpetuated against both herself
and countless hapless others
however you might check
around the home when you're alone
while she's left the crib to chase
her bit of the almighty dollar
she's got a receipt in her pocket
for a bonafide cattle prod
I'm just saying...