Post by anirbas on Oct 28, 2018 20:38:07 GMT -6
Anyone besides me floored by the past couple of weeks here in the good old United States?
First the bombs, then the murder of innocent black folks in Kroger, followed by the murder of eleven innocent Jewish folks?
I am sick of being worried, tired, sad and depressed about the state of this country for the past two years. The circus of atrocities is never ending.
Post by darkness0within on Oct 29, 2018 7:58:02 GMT -6
It's not just America that's having problems I'm afraid anirbas.
We are beginning to see change around the world, natural and man made. Where we all eventually end up is open to debate. But I do think Governments, and people in general will need to think of things in a very different way in the future. Not to be as separate islands as we are now.
We pour aid into countries that at best is a sticking plaster and do not / or cannot fix the underlying problems that created the problem in the first place. And with global warming this is only going to get worse. Millions of people will be on the move around the globe and we do not have the infrastructure to cope.
Post by anirbas on Oct 29, 2018 21:29:23 GMT -6
I know, dear Darkness. You are so right. This is also a global issue.
I thought about this post today and meant to edit it. Or add an addendum, at the least, stating all were welcome to comment on this thread. I am thankful you ponied up and added your wisdom before I had the chance.
This last murder of eleven innocents by yet another homegrown terrorist, hit a bit too close to home. I have a cousin I grew up with, now living in the very community where the synagogue was desecrated. It is less than a mile from her home. On Saturday morning, when the first news reports started circulating, my cousin's immediate and extended family started worrying. Her sisters were phoning and we were all on Facebook asking her friends if they'd heard anything from Karen and her family. Saturday is Shabbas in the Jewish faith. Most likely, everyone's phones were turned off during services. Many were blissfully unaware of what had transpired at this synagogue until they left their own temples. We were unsure if they attended this particular synagogue or another. We worried the entire day before we had confirmation she and her family were okay.
I am tired. I am sad. I am depressed. But, most of all, I am mad as hell. And nowhere to go with this righteous anger. Sigh.
My heart breaks for the other eleven families that didn't receive good news. I am so thankful that we did.
Post by darkness0within on Oct 30, 2018 7:57:25 GMT -6
I'm glad your cousin is ok anirbas. I am very saddened by the deaths and wounding's inflicted by this person in a place that should be a sanctuary of peace. And for what its worth I send out my sympathies to all who have been effected by this.
Alas this sort of thing has been going on for millennia. And is an example of the darker side of human nature in some. They disconnect from main stream society for what ever reason, and it is one of many reasons people become terrorists.
The IS fighters for instance. Some of those misguided souls(And quite a few evil souls) felt they were belonging to something... A crusade of sorts... Sound familiar? The middle ages all over again but with the inevitable twist that time gives each time the cycle repeats.
Some of the seeds of unrest in the world go back a long time. One country or another helps to keep a government or dictator in power because it is in the countries interest to do so. that country helped keep the unrest down in that part of the world in any way it sees fit. The country helping to prop up this country or dictator turns a blind eye to what goes on. But what happens when that country or dictator goes rouge? They are removed and the force that stifled opposition is removed also leaving a vacuum. This creates a time of anarchy and death all around until a new balance of power has been found.
I ponder sometimes what would of happened if our forefathers had not acted in the way they did in the past what this world would be like now?
Greed and power, and the hunt for natural resources. Mistreatment of the natives that actually in many ways have a far superior and richer culture, and knew how to look after the land they lived in. I just find it sad that humanity generally have not learned the lessons of the past, and look blindly to the future for their salvation.
Post by phantasm on Oct 31, 2018 15:16:23 GMT -6
Holy crap, Sabrina, that was a close one. That reminds me of the concept of six degrees of separation. My brother's family did a stint in Pittsburgh, no idea if they know that particular place of worship or not though. I think politics has embedded itself in the American heart to an extent our forefathers couldn't even conceive of, and they were deeply political animals themselves. Although I think, perhaps they were more into policy than politics. That's strictly from my civilian reading of history. There was pettiness even in the ranks of the Founding Fathers, though.
For us, politics has become a label, a tribe, a mind-set, an identity, even deeply territorial. I have a lot of trouble connecting with this part of our modern world. I have always felt like an outsider looking in. I am a sojourner, a syncretic person. I have never sacrificed my individuality for the sake of group identity. It would take a lot of bandwidth in my head to really get into the mental space of someone embedded in tribal thinking. "Our way or the highway" type of thinking. I think that's what a lot of conflict in our world comes down to.
I write science fiction, so I have hope for the future. Trump is just a big enough buffoon, hopefully, to wake people up to the state of the nation. The future isn't written yet. I think with deliberate action from the folks at the top we can send this train we're riding on down a different trajectory. We need people who aren't married to an ideology to make good, rational choices. Politicians need to make a big show of, "I'm one of you! I love the things you love and hate the things you hate!" I'd like to think at least some of them are pragmatic enough to consider all angles of a problem instead of acting out of some incompletely-thought-through ideology. //crosses fingers behind my back...//
For the first time in my life I am completely, categorically not voting Republican in the upcoming election. Just push the button that automatically votes for whoever is a Democrat. I consider myself the ultimate swing voter, I don't invest everything I've got emotionally into any political position. I'm too rational for that. Normally I research the issues a lot weeks or months ahead of the election. Not this time. It's Democrats from the bottom all the way to the top. I don't want to make a habit of that. But this time, I think it's the most rational thing to do.
Post by anirbas on Oct 31, 2018 21:42:30 GMT -6
I love facts, Darkness. And all that you said is historically factual. But, trying to get anyone to understand the facts that never read history past the white washed version we were spoonfed in school, is a thankless task.
"I ponder sometimes what would of happened if our forefathers had not acted in the way they did in the past what this world would be like now?"
You are not alone in this rumination. I've often wondered the same thing. But, I don't just wonder. I know things would have been far different if our ancestors on both sides of the big pond had acted differently. And, all around the globe, for that matter. To this day it horrifies me that my ancestors landed and basically annihilated an entire country of people and called it "manifest destiny". Not to mention the fact, that those same ancestors enslaved people they brought from another continent and considered themselves to be just in doing so. Claiming the "Bible" stated blacks were less than whites, no more than animals. But, they brought that practice with them from the United Kingdom and the European countries they immigrated from.
Post by anirbas on Oct 31, 2018 22:02:21 GMT -6
"For the first time in my life I am completely, categorically not voting Republican in the upcoming election. Just push the button that automatically votes for whoever is a Democrat. I consider myself the ultimate swing voter, I don't invest everything I've got emotionally into any political position. I'm too rational for that. Normally I research the issues a lot weeks or months ahead of the election. Not this time. It's Democrats from the bottom all the way to the top. I don't want to make a habit of that. But this time, I think it's the most rational thing to do."
I can honestly say, Phantasm, with the exception of rEagan and tRump, I have always been fairly happy with our presidents, regardless of party affiliation. Reagan raised my hackles in the Eighties with his "trickle down economics" bullshit. That basically sold our country out then and there, to corporate America and the two percent elite. He slashed taxes for the rich the most dramatically. It went from 70% to 28%, over two whopping cuts for the "elite". And how did he balance the budget deficit he created? He took it away from social security.
As for tRump, he is seated where he does not belong because he represents no one but himself. Always has and always will. He was never presidential material and he never will be. By hook or crook, the quicker we get him out of OUR White House, the better for the entire country. Even the rally hungry tRumpites will be better off once he's gone.
I love sci-fi. As you well know. I've even read parts of one of your manuscripts. I believe in all possibility. I believe humankind can do anything it puts its mind(s) to do. Be that for good or evil. I hold out faith and hope that this country can right itself. But, it will not, it cannot if we do not make a stand. "We haven't come this far, to only come this far."
But, I am tired, I am sad, I am depressed. And I am sick of feeling like I've been at a two year funeral service for our country.
Post by darkness0within on Nov 1, 2018 7:29:15 GMT -6
I don't disagree with you in what you say Phantasm.
Politics in a way has become a religion, or perhaps a cult in its own right. People want to believe that the people they vote for will try and make things better for them. And that in itself is an act of faith don't you think? But with anything there are those on all sides that would think of the common good of the people, and others that only think of themselves. The broad spectrum of humanity in microcosm on the political field. And good and evil plays out endlessly within the seats of power.
I love science fiction for many reasons. It reaches out to endless possibilities created by the human mind. And it also spurs on others who try to make science fiction into science fact. And in some cases succeed.
Post by darkness0within on Nov 1, 2018 7:57:19 GMT -6
At the end of the day we all try to vote for something that might make a difference to peoples lives anirbas.
We have all been spoon fed versions of history. The what's, whys, and consequences of the past cannot be entirely depended upon. Truth embellished, and lies hide the darker truths that many don't want to hear and would rather hide away to save embarrassment and the shame of nations. Assumptions that some people are inferior to another is a shocking testament of the human race. Has anything changed? Personally I don't think so.
The ironic thing to me is that even if people haven't read about history at all, they are playing out the echo's of the past through their lives.
Post by anirbas on Nov 1, 2018 15:00:44 GMT -6
Might I say, I appreciate you guys listening...reading...and discussing it with me.
Can't discuss these things with family because two thirds of them voted Republican and seem blind to the road tRump is doing his damnedest to lay the bricks down for and build. Friends in the town I live in, too.
And you can't discuss anything political on Facebook without it turning into a heated debate. While I brook no political arguments on my particular page, I have found myself recently going on to other pages and trolling the tRumpites simply for the merriment of triggering them. That is not me. I have just this morning deleted my FB account. I need a sabbatical from all the negativity to be found there in.
I can't empathize, sympathize with or understand, people that think it's okay to cage children seeking asylum. I just can't.
Post by darkness0within on Nov 8, 2018 7:57:21 GMT -6
It just goes to show that people are passionate in their beliefs anirbas.
I'm not really a political animal so my viewpoint is more neutral than many. I just feel that if someone comes to power that will help the people then that's fine. Perhaps a simplistic view, but does it really need to be complicated?
Never anything wrong with debate, that's healthy for a democracy. But the media does seem to inflame situations in one way or another. What ever happened to just strait reporting of the known facts?
Do we really need debate on hearsay and rumour in the way it is being reported in this time?
"She's a witch, well we think she might be, lets burn her anyway".
Post by anirbas on Nov 8, 2018 21:41:39 GMT -6
As I've think I've stated before, I've never been into politics myself, until tRump entered the last presidential race. He makes my skin crawl and my mind shriek. I cannot help my reaction to him and am glad of it.
I don't mind a debate with moderators. Absolutely concur it's healthy for democracy. I mind the verbally bloody debates I see on social media. That here lately, due to my own bitterness, I'd become a part of, in some instances.
I do not blame the media for the current political climate of America the past two years. I blame the politicians both good and rotten, that have stood by while tRump pissed all over the country with his horrid policies. But, I do prefer my news, factual and unexpurgated, like I like my history.
tRump isn't a witch, though. He's a monster. And he's gotten away with his little atrocities for decades. It is high time he paid the fiddler.
Post by darkness0within on Nov 9, 2018 7:52:12 GMT -6
Your present incumbent at the White house seems out of step for these times. More akin to the 1950's / 60's. A different world indeed. But some clearly thought he was the change they needed or they would not have voted for him. Clearly you do not like this person, and you are not alone.
The present elections have addressed the balance somewhat, and at least some check has been put upon him. Time will tell how this is all going to pan out.
One persons 'monster' is another's 'hero'. Old Papa Joe to some was a hero, even though he had so many atrocities carried out through his time as leader of the Soviet union. And it's true to say that some in Russia would like those times to return. Putin is a very shrewd calculating man who is trying to resurrect, at least in part this very thing.
Your current president, while he still is, needs to be mindful of how he conducts himself. It will be interesting to see how he will be judged in future times. And it will be more interesting to see who will take up the reins of power after him.
Post by anirbas on Nov 9, 2018 11:01:52 GMT -6
"Clearly you do not like this person, and you are not alone."
Truer words were never spoken...um...er...typed, Darkness! tRump has never been mindful of how he conducts himself. He believes he is above the rest of us and the laws that govern us because of the silver spoon hanging out of his mouth.
I've been shocked to the core by the past two years in this country. But, I have been heartened by the turn out for the midterm elections and hold out hope, America will right itself. But, not because of a president or his unruly caravan of bigoted, racist followers. Rather, because We the People, will make it so.
Post by phantasm on Nov 9, 2018 12:20:55 GMT -6
Here in PA we recently had a redistricting kurfuckle. Fortunately my polling location didn't move from last time we had elections. That gives me hope for the future. I haven't seen the new lines defining political precincts, but what I've heard of it, it's vastly simplified from the way we used to be gerrymandered. Our country needs to accurately reflect what it is people want and need. We need to provide reasonable opportunities for a wide variety of people, not just cater to the needs of our corporate overlords. We need to figure out a way to break the death-grip the corporations have on the economy. The crazy thing is, they're the ones who're most likely to be on a permanent footing of hiring workers. They've torpedoed a lot of the small businesses that provided for diverse possibilities for employment. Somehow, it was the biggest business ventures that survived or arose in the aftermath of the Great Depression.
It is long past time that our culture reevaluated its' love affair with high tech and the the big fat asses of people in power. I mean, there are so many people who kiss ass to "advance their careers." We need to ask ourselves, why are we doing what we're doing? And why are we pandering to the folks with desk jobs at the Fortune 500? It feels like no one is asking 'why' anymore. If they ever did.........
Is a more rationally organized society too much to ask? Build a pipeline for HS and college students to plug into for jobs. How are you supposed to know what to do when the world of adulthood is a foreign country to teenagers/20-somethings? No system is perfect, but it seems our system is built to amplify the flaws in our system, with no room for exploration.
Politics is economics. And, economics is politics. And, society is politics. And, society is economics. Well, you get the picture.....................................................
Post by anirbas on Nov 9, 2018 17:47:53 GMT -6
"Is a more rationally organized society too much to ask?"
Honestly, I feel it's time to stop asking. It's time to start demanding it of both our national and global governments.
And we need desperately to stop teaching white washed, fake history in this country in both our public and private schools.
Post by darkness0within on Nov 12, 2018 7:59:17 GMT -6
The utopia would always be that everyone has the same chances in life in the world, a level playing field where one's potential could be harnessed. as I've said before everyone has worth.
Teamwork is the key. All layers of society would have to work as one for the common good of the people. And politically and socially this has been tried many times. All have failed due to fundamental flaws in the systems. We in the west seem to have created a monster(Helped by manufacturers and Governments) called consumerism. Throw away gadgets that in truth have little meaning to society other than wealth to the owners of the factories that create them. And while this carries on we will not get anywhere.
You cannot have a working society if there are more people unemployed than working. (Look to Germany between the world wars to see what could happen). This is not sustainable, causes resentment and friction and leads to extreme views being brought to the fore.
The whole thing is very complex. everyone will have their own views on what would make the perfect society. but there will always be winners and losers which ever path is taken.
Post by darkness0within on Nov 13, 2018 7:57:47 GMT -6
To add...
As I said, everyone needs to have the chance to have a decent life. To be able to have a good education, to have employment, a home. This all helps to keep a cohesive society.
We all have to recognise though that we all can't be rocket scientists or company directors. But at the same time there must be a the chance to do so if there is the aptitude for it. And it also has to be recognised that even the jobs at the bottom of the scale have worth, and are essential to the smooth running of a society. For without the people who do the manual work there would not be a society.
Slowly... very slowly there is going to be change I feel. Money as we know it will cease to exist. And a credit system will take its place. Due to environmental and political changes national borders will blur and cultures will clash like nothing seen before. But in time this will resolve. mind sets will have to change as national identities become obsolete. That will take generations, and a concerted effort to educate people that we are in fact one people... The human race.
There would be resistance. There would be pain because there would be a real feeling of loss by many.
Impossible some would say. And at this time, yes it is. But if the human race wishes to survive into the distant future and venture eventually to the stars that is what will have to happen. Does everyone think we're supposed to stay here forever? We are an ever evolving species and we haven't even started evolving to what we will become in the future.
Post by anirbas on Nov 15, 2018 17:25:49 GMT -6
My entire life, even as a child, I have always believed in all possibility. As a humanist, I believe humans are responsible for their individual, and in some cases, collective actions. Simply, if you do something good, that is you. Not any given god. If you do something evil, that is you, not "Satan". Children blame others for their actions. Adults own and claim their actions, regardless. As both an atheist and a humanist, I firmly believe in the power of the human mind(s) to create any action we desire, once we choose to act upon it. Be that good or evil.
Collectively, I still believe as the human race, we can fix the global transgressions of the past five and a half decades. The past four hundred years, even. We can fix the debacle tRump and his cult of tRumpites have created in America; we can fix Brexit. We can do anything we put our minds into resolving. War, famine; the slave trade that is still rampant globally, especially sexual slavery of minorities and the helpless, i.e. runaway teens of both sexes.
I believe Christians and Muslims must stop waging this over two millennia war with each other; and any and all, that do not believe as they do, about everything, especially concerning gender orientation. But, that's another conversation and I've already rambled.
Again, I'd like to say, I appreciate y'all joining in on this convo, to coin "New Age" slang. And anyone that wishes to join in, please feel free to do so. All are welcome.
Post by darkness0within on Nov 16, 2018 7:53:40 GMT -6
I too believe we are responsible for our actions, and hiding behind a belief, or an ideology is really no excuse.
Humanity in general still lives with a tribal mind-set that goes back to our distant roots. You see this every day if you look around you.
The past colours the future. Our own societies are still influenced by the Romans, and before that the Greeks. A kind of reinventing of the wheel to suit our purpose. The echo's of your own civil war colours your society today, and will continue to do so for a while longer.
Anything can be overcome, but there has to be the will to do so, and a willingness to draw a line under events and move on. Not forgetting the past though. That would be wrong.
It all comes down to human nature. That's the problem. As it is the solution. And there is the paradox.
Post by anirbas on Nov 17, 2018 21:18:07 GMT -6
Well put, sir.